Why Time Management is a Myth
I love how I’m writing this blog post on “time management” at 2:30 a.m. I love it, because it clearly illustrates what I’m about to tell you.
And that is that time management is a myth.
If you are someone who likes to write your morning to-do list on the bathroom mirror with an erasable marker while you brush your teeth, then this news probably gives you heartburn. Better yet, if you like to brush your teeth in the shower while dictating to your spouse what to write on the mirror to save even more time, then this news will likely give you an ulcer.
Calm down (and pop a Zantac). This isn’t as bad as it seems. It’s just a matter of perspective. Despite all your dry-erase bathroom shenanigans, that make the rest of us feel so inadequate, you have not been managing time at all.
You cannot manage time. You can only manage yourself.
When we manage something, we are put in charge of it. We administer it. We run or control it.
And we do NONE of these things with time.
However, we do each of these things within ourselves.
That’s right. We are in charge of ourselves. We control ourselves. We determine what and how we do things.
You see, I’m not always running out the door late because I can’t manage time. I run out the door late because I can’t manage me.
There always seems to be a few more minutes to fold another basket of laundry before leaving to head to the office. And when there, we always think that there is one more minute to check that email before shutting down the laptop and hitting the lights. Sound familiar?
We overestimate our capacity to get everything done perfectly that comes our way, and we underestimate our ability to prioritize what needs to be done first. It’s within this ability and capacity that we ‘run or control’ ourselves. . .not the clock.
There will always only be 1,440 minutes in a day. You must decide how you will respond to each one of those. We manage and disperse our attention, not minutes.
When we realize that we cannot do everything, we will begin to do what’s important. We will prioritize what needs to move ahead of everything else. And we will begin to filter what should even be done at all.
When something is important, it gets our attention first. If it is not important, then it can wait. Yes, that basket of laundry will still be there when you get back and your email will still be there in the morning. And guess what? You will be right on time.
*Do you know someone who could use this article? Feel free to share it with them. Thank you!
Lisa Mills is a nationally touring, award-winning, clean comedian and funny motivational speaker who is known for her engaging programs on the power of connection and engagement. She is based out of Atlanta, GA. For full bio, programs, and other information, please visit
posted 01/18/2017 in General Interest
Tags: time management, motivation, speaker, connection, engagement, multitasking, perspective, control
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